Why consult Eesh and
what services does he offer?

People with a wide variety of financial needs consult Eesh. Reading this page will give you an indication as to whether he can help you with your requirements. However, the descriptions coming up are by no means exhaustive.

We hope you'll recognise your situation in the text below. Even if you don't, if you need a personal or business solution that protects and enhances your wealth, Eesh has the skills to help you...

From filling out your tax return at a competitive rate – and with a level of confidentiality that no longer exists onshore...

To forming and administering a multi-million dollar investment fund.

Eesh does much more than merely administer the history of your affairs. He uses creativity, foresight and international financial/legal frameworks, to keep you ahead of future challenges.

While Eesh began his consultancy career in England, and is British, since "going international" he has attracted clients from many countries, and of many nationalities. Regardless of where you come from though, it's likely you'll have the same general concerns as his other clients.

Broadly speaking, you value your freedom to do business without excessive interference, to hold assets without unnecessary restrictions, and the wish to protect the fruits of your labour from any risk of loss.

  • Maybe you think you're paying too much tax, and wonder if you could pay less by reorganising your affairs. Or you could be concerned about the impact of divorce, or the death of a family member, on family assets...
  • For some clients success can attract unwanted attention, so it makes sense to limit how much information is publicly available about your business affairs. For other clients it's important to keep business negotiations private, so enquiries don't adversely affect the value of a company or a stock...
  • Taxation can become complex and unnecessarily restrictive, for example on loans of international origin. Local law may stop an individual from certain transactions that are perfectly legal by corporations. And some jurisdictions seek to confine your wealth to its national currency, or limit your ability to access foreign investments and unregulated markets...
  • And the most respected and honourable business people can be separated from their wealth by litigation or even seizure, because of unforeseen, unfortunate circumstances.

You may be an entrepreneur, expatriate, high net worth individual or high rate taxpayer... a sole trader, director or shareholder. You may own equity in small or medium sized enterprises, or portfolio of international holdings.

Maybe you own:

  • A patent or copyright...
  • Land, residential or commercial property...
  • Various kinds of international investments...
  • A ship or a yacht.

You may be:

  • An importer or exporter...
  • Working overseas or the captain of a vessel that's sailing them...
  • Trading or providing services via the internet...
  • Providing consultancy or other types of service to international clients...
  • A public speaker, performer or artist, working at overseas venues. For example: a sportsperson, actor or celebrity...
  • Receiving or paying royalties...
  • A business or professional working in a highly litigious environment. For example a surgeon...
  • A high net worth family with many international transactions, both personal and business...

And either directly, or by recommendation and consultation with other suitably qualified and licensed professionals, Eesh can advise on:

  • Forming and managing offshore and onshore companies...
  • Settlement and administration of Trusts...
  • Setup of International holding companies and subsidiaries...
  • "Family office" administration...
  • Private banking introductions...
  • Zero and low tax residency options...
  • Alternative citizenship and passports...
  • Setup and administration of, regulated or unregulated, private hedge funds...
  • Asset protection, including intellectual property...
  • Gaining access to international securities and options investment markets...
  • Charitable giving...
  • Tax efficiently transacted real estate investment...
  • And much more!

To hear what Eesh can do for your wealth, the most important thing you can do right now is email him on eesh@eesh.com. After all an initial conversation costs you nothing.